At High Hopes Dyes & Gifts They sell artsy tie dyed clothing and gifts for people who want something truly unique. That definitely is the case.
We live in 2 different countries, far apart, so when I order something I prefer for it to be larger so that I can resize and adjust to perfection.
There is a second reason. I use the remnants from the alterations to create. The color mixes that Carol creates, give my art and fashion accessories a range and depth of color shading which would be very difficult to achieve otherwise.
All of the offcuts after my alterations are kept in specific boxes and sorted acccording to shape and size.

Strips I use for my landscape patchwork art

to create yoyos and fabric flowers for embellishements

strips from t shirts

to create t shirt necklaces
A tapestry that Carol created and I was gifted by my sister, a number of years ago, was reincarnated and took on a few more lives.

It became a tunic

and a pair of pants with pockets

The remnats from these

were created into fabric beads
I use every piece. large and small.
Wishing High Hopes Dyes & Gifts a wonderful birhday bash this week. Keep on creating.