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Quilted Patchwork Pouch

Writer: Sharon PriganSharon Prigan

Yesterday they finished their large quilted patchwork pouch for all of their sewing supplies. The purpose of this lesson is to teach them the first zipper technique in a list of 5 different zipper techniques that I teach in the sewing classes. They also get to practice lots of sewing while quilting the outside fabrics of the pouch.

They first constructed some geometric patchwork pieces

Geometric patchwork fabric pieces
Geometric patchwork pieces

and then joined them together

Sewing patchwork pieces
Sewing patchwork pieces

After that quilted heavily to create a stiff outer fabric

Quilting the fabric with a sewing machine
Quilting the fabric

Embellished with many yoyos

Pastel yoyos
Pastel yoyos

they have a thing for yoyos :)

Adding yoyos
Adding yoyos

They wanted to go home with the pouches at the end of the lesson so I Iet them attach the yoyos with machine sewing this time.

Embellishing the pouch with yoyos and sewing machine
Embellishing with yoyos

The finished pouches. They are hand made and practical. They will use them every week in the sewing class.

They learnt to quilt, install a zipper and embellish with yoyos. A + for 3 techniques learnt this lesson.

Lined patchwork zippered pouches
Lined patchwork zippered pouches

One zippered pouch

Pink toned zippered pouch
Pink toned zippered pouch

Another zippered pouch.

Zippered patchwork pouch
Zippered patchwork pouch

1 Comment

Beth S.
Beth S.
Mar 02, 2023

Yoyos ARE so fun. :) The pouches turned out very well--cute and functional!

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