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Orange Mosaic Patchwork

Writer: Sharon PriganSharon Prigan

Well. I worked in oranges yesterday.

I found the perfect colored thread for the topstitching in my stash.

Bright orange thread
Bright orange thread

I must admit that it was a challenge not to choose too many salmon pinks. It was very hard for me to make sure that this was a really orange piece. It is definitely not a color that I am drawn to. I really like using it as a contrast color but I was not in my comfort zone while creating.

I had divided the shades into different piles for color depth and found myself instinctively reaching for the rust and orangy pink piles because those are the colors that I feel more attuned to.

I forced myself instead, to choose from the yellow/orange pile and the tie dyed scraps which were a really sunny orange.

Contsruction of msoaic patchwork
Construction of mosaic patchwork

I am not sure that I would do this again. It was a very thought out and planned artistic exercise which is in complete contrast to the way that I normally work.

I usually take a pile of fabric in a color family and sift, take out those that don't "speak to me" and add those that resonate, till I achieve a mix that I feel a wholeness with. That is a process that gives me joy.

Overall, I am happy with the result.

mosaic patchwork fabric
Orange mosaic patchwork


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