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Magic Square

Writer: Sharon PriganSharon Prigan

Updated: Sep 21, 2024

I still use classical quilt techniques but modified to my style especially when I teach sewing.

I use the log cabin block and call it a magic square when teaching sewing. The first project of students is to create a square and then a pillow cover from that square.

They get to use scraps availabe in the scrap box that week to create their squares and pillow covers.

Sedwing on a machine

She placed those 2 pieces very carefully so that they would have a visual balance. Some of the students just "throw" the pillow together, others plan the placement.

She chose floral fabrics
She chose florals

The piilow covers have envelope closures.

floral pillow cover
Floral pillow cover

I always find their different color choices interesting. I make sure to leave a varied selection of scraps in the scrap box and they delight me with their choices.

All the blues and greens that he could find
All the blues and greens that he could find

They can bring pillow forms from home and size the pillow cover accordingly. Or, they can sew an internal pillow cover and fill that with scraps.

A pastel pillow cover
A pastel pillow cover

She "forgot" to iron after sewing every strip down but she can still do it now.

magic square pillow cover
Magic square

Very happy with her pillow cover.

patchwork pillow cover
patchwork pillow cover


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