I have spent the last 2 weeks going through boxes and mounds or rather hills of fabric that I have collected over the years.
Why do I have so much fabric? Granted, none of it was new. It was either gifted or sourced at charity stores. I think all recyclers can be hoarders. It is very important to sort ones equipment and notions and fabrics according to subjects and see whether one is keeping stuff that one does not need.
I teach sewing and one of the things that I do is provide the fabric to the students so that they can learn new techniques without spending a fortune on new fabric. I also created art quilts for many years.
Now I am creating tutorials and other creators. I don't need that mountain of fabric anymore.
What to do with it? It has to be moved on, but how?
Fist of all, each of my students was gifted a huge starter pack of upcycled fabrics.

They were also gifted bottles of buttons and beads

which I allowed them to choose.

I had 2 boxes of jeans pockets and shared those as well

And camo pockets which students were happy to take to use on bags

I then sorted fabrics according to seasons and colors and filled a table and had people come over and just take.
The rest, over the the last 2 weeks has been donated to schools and art centers.

Last but not least charity stores have been given fabric as well.

I kept about a 10th of what I originally had and find it easier to sort and organize.
It is nice to look around and see that I have on hand what I need and that it is accessible and to know that the rest has been moved on and found a good home.