I chose the olive green thread to quilt this piece in the end and it came out exactly as I had envisioned it would.
It is quite a long piece and was a bit cumbersome under the needle so I had to sew slowly and carefully, rolling the quilt up as I worked.

I had also used different weights of fabric. What guided my choices were the colors of the fabrics so I ended up having heavier olive greens from combat uniforms and lighter slightly stretchier pieces from dress uniforms. I usually make a point of working with the same weight of fabrics that have the same stretch capacity.
This time it was quite a challenge, some of the fabric pieces stretched a lot as I was curving the waves and I had to iron quite agressively to flatten the puckers but it was worth it as the end result is what I wanted.

I haven't decided yet whether to bind the pieces or stretch them over a frame. So they are going to be rolled up and stored until I decide.
I will complete the series and then decide how to finish them all.
Wave Landscape Patchwork Techniques and Video Tutorials
The tutorials are available here on Etsy
and here on my site
and the videos classes can be viewed here on my site after purchase
I ordered a digital pattern from your Etsy page and did not receive the download
Paula Tillman