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Gathered Roses

Writer: Sharon PriganSharon Prigan

Next flower in the slow stitching series is a version of a gathered fabric rose.

I am going to create 2 fabric roses here, the first from t shirt fabric and the second from a chiffon remnant.

To create this rose you will need 5 fabric circles. I used some that were 5 cm across, for a smaller flower use smaller circles, and for a larger one, use larger circles.

5 tie dyed fabric circles

Fold the first petal in half

folded fabric circle

and in half again like this

fabric circle folded again

Do the same with the second petal

fold a secod fabric circle in half

folded in half and in half again

2 fabric cirlces folded in half and folded a third after that

Place the second petal on the first one like this. The folded area of the second petal on the non folded section of the first petal

first folded circle laid over second folded circle

This is what it should look like

folded circle on second folded circle

Thread a needle, knot the ends of the threads and sew a running stitch through the layers of both petals beginning at the folded area of the second petal.

sew a small running stitch on the second fold

Take the 3rd petal fold it in the same way as the previous ones, place on the second petal sew a running stitch

fold the next circle

Fold the 4th and 5th petals in the same way and place them down and sew a running stitch through them as well

5 floral petals

Take the end section of the 5th petal, place it on the first petal

place last petal on first

and sew that down as well with the running stitch

comtinue running stitch all around bottom of petals

Gather the running stitch up as much as you can, this is as far as it goes with the t shirt fabric. Sew the ends of the thread in place and turn the flower over.

gather running stitch

Flatten the rose and pull each petal until it looks like this. There is a gap in the centre because the t shirt fabric cannot be pulled all the way in

fabric rose

Like it can with thinner fabric as in this chiffon flower

chiffon purple rose

I sew a yoyo down in the center of the fabric rose.

fabric rose with yoyo center

You can experiment with different weights of fabrics and different sized circles, You can also use more circles if you are using a thinner fabric and try to alternate smaller sized circles with larger ones for different looking flowers.

Have fun. I would love to see what you create. You are invited to share pictures on our facebook page here and tag us.

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