Today I also taught how to do feather stitch. It is very similar to the fly stitch and one can create beautiful floral stems with this stitch.
Each fly stitch is an individual stitch. The feather stitch is a run on series of joined stitches.

I have drawn "pyramids" as a base for the embroidery, each "pyramid" has 2 sides and a pointed tip at the top.
When pulling up the thread from the bottom of the fabric pull it through the bottom of the first side.

Then insert the needle into the bottom of the second side.

Bring the needle out at the "tip" of the "pyramid" and make sure that the thread is lying under the needle.

Pull the needle out of the fabric.

The first feather stitch is done. Continue in this way, once to the left and once to the right . Until you have a long stem.

See here how it's done