When sorting fabric scraps I put them in containers and then into bags in boxes designated for specifc projects. Strips for wave landscape patchwork art, small odd shaped pieces for mosaic landscape patchwork and pieces smaller than that either for fabric beads or stuffing for dolls and pillows.

Opening the blue grey packet which was intended for beads, I was happy to see when sorting it that I had a number of larger wider strips. I don't remember how that happened I am normally more organized when I sort. I can only put it down to the fact that I must have been working on a larger than normal amount of projects.
Actually now while looking at the pile I recognize remnants from the huge rag quilts that I had made 3 of at the same time. I also had a deadline as one of them was sent overseas so I must have been a bit careless in my sorting.
These were the some strips that I fished out of the "bead remnants" pile.

I chose some threads to work with and began.

This is what I ended up creating - fragment landscape patchwork
The rest of the small pieces of fabric were used to make handstitched fabric beads

To learn how to make these beads and 4 other techniques you can find a detailed tutorial here